Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Route 44 CLOSED

Route 44 is closed to most traffic due to repairs being made because of the extensive traffic.  The impact is hitting everyone hard.  Not only are roads destroyed but emergenct services are working more than ever responding to calls related to the drilling.  Man hours are increased and more responsibility is being put on small emergency units and Fire Companies all over the region.

Fading Wildlife

An everyday sight is now hard to find.  We can remember seeing herds of deer and always having bear in the yard.  Not anymore thanks to all the gas drilling.  The mountain sure has changed.

Serious Articles will Scare the Crap Out of YOU!!






Hauling Chemicals NO License plate on Little Plum Rd

Meeting Haneyville

There is a Township Supervisors Meeting tonight July 5th, 2011 at 7:15pm at the Haneyville Fire Co.  10145 Coudersprt Pike, Lock Haven.  Representatives of the 3 Marcellous Shale Drilling companies, PA State Police and the Gallagher Township attorney will be on hand to answer your questions.  Please attend and get your concerns addressed.

Marcellus Shale Drilling

I am creating this blog to gather and share information on the gas drilling along the Marcellus Shale.  I have been going to a mountain home in Clinton County for 14 years.  I became familiar with the area when dating a man that has been on the mountain his entire life (53 years).  Our peaceful mountain getaway has been destroyed by the constant traffic and dirt of thousands of trucks 24-7.  The roads and bridges are being destroyed putting an extra expensive burden on the small townships and counties affected.  I have been gathering information since last year when I began to realize and learn just how dangerous the process of drilling is and how out of control the project is and will only get worse.  It is obvious that the Governor and his yes men do not have homes on the mountain.  What is happening in Northern PA is outrageous and I am hoping this blog gets more of the truth out there.  More and more people I talk to from southeastern PA really have no idea how the mountains are being tainted forever.  The job creation theory is a LIE.  There are very few PA jobs being created.  Fact is the people working on the gas drilling construction are from Oklahoma, Texas, Virginia etc.  They are NOT from PA.  The gas companies are also importing illegal Mexicans to work on the project.  They are housing them in Williamsport where they are committing crimes including the rape of a 12 year old girl.  The gas companies and PA big wigs have already sold most of the gas to Canada and China.  We will have to pay them to get our gas back.  There are so many corrupt things happening beyond the no taxing of these companies.  There have been chemical spills, tainted wells, health issues, lowering property values, disappearing wildlife, exploding cows, and the list goes on and on.  If you can help me get information to the public about the crime gas drilling really is I would appreciate your help.  I will be adding posts as often as I get information to share.  The well above is at Mule Barn/Pat's Ridge